You Don’t Need A Job

So the moron in the White House is going to do what he wants and not what is in the best interest of America again. When President Obama issues executive orders on immigration in coming weeks, pro-reform activists are expecting something dramatic: temporary relief from deportation and work authorization for perhaps several million illegal aliens.

While we have millions of Americans out of work, he is going to ignore their plight and allow millions of illegals to come here to work, stealing jobs from Americans.

This guy is such a disgrace.

So Much Truth

Sometimes these memes can really hit the nail on the head.

Liberal Hate

Punish Americans

One more piece of horse dung in the Democrat party.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) believes Hispanics should get amnesty and citizenship to punish Americans who are against illegal immigration.

After he told the La Raza conference in Los Angeles that President Barack Obama gave the Latino community a “down payment” with his temporary amnesty program that halted the deportations “of our people, “We need to raise our voices, make ourselves citizens, and punish those who speak ill and criminalize children who come to our border,””

So Americans should be punished because they don’t want this country turned into a 3rd world cesspool…..nice.

Open Arms

Just knowing such outstanding people are arriving lke this every day makes me feel better about the open border that Obama has created.

Seventeen-year-old Jorge is a “confessed murderer” and member of the 18th Street gang.

Jose Enrique, 16, has “severe substance abuse” issues, self-mutilates, and has demonstrated “very aggressive” and “vicious” behavior.

Fifteen-year-old Pablo Alexander admitted to federal law enforcement officers that he had “murdered two rival gang members.”

Jacob Alexander, 17, said he had been “involved in shootings/murder attempts” and was “not sure if people died.”

The four teenagers all crossed illegally into the United States through Mexico this month before being detained by the Border Patrol in Texas. Without fear of retribution, they admitted past criminal behavior to law enforcement authorities in the United States. Their confessions were documented on an internal Department of Homeland Security “intake list”

They traveled alone from Honduras and El Salvador, trying to reunite with their families living in the United States, according to the DHS document. Despite their admitted criminal histories, they will more than likely be released to family members with only “notice to appear” orders for immigration court.

AT Least Someone Cares

illegal_immigrantsBRAVO…..since Obama won’t protect America thank God we have governors who will. Texas Gov. Rick Perry plans to deploy as many as 1,000 National Guard troops to South Texas to bolster security along the Mexico border.

This current illegal invasion on this country is a disgrace and will be the legacy of this president who has not only allowed it to happen but has encouraged.