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Need A Job? Liberals Say No

A proposed oil pipeline that would bring crude oil from Canada to U.S. refineries in Texas, creating tens of thousands of jobs in the process is the latest target of the clean energy eco-terrorist.

TransCanada says its proposed Keystone XL pipeline will give the U.S. a consistent and reliable supply of oil — supplying roughly half the amount of oil the U.S. currently imports from the Middle East and Venezuela — once it’s completed.

But of course the left in this country are against oil and only want clean energy alternatives, which is fine and dandy if they could only come up with some real ideas to replace oil.

But leave it to the kooks on the left like Danny Glover, a perennial protester, who plans to march with other liberal activists outside the White House this summer to protest. What do these nut-jobs say will happen if the pipeline were to go through, that we’ll endure an endless future of the floods and droughts we’ve seen this year.

TransCanada says its planned pipeline extension will create 20,000 high-paying jobs for American families and inject $20 billion into the U.S. economy.

What Is Wrong With Him?

.This just makes no sense, but so much what President Obama has done in office has made little sense. While there is a moratorium on offshore drilling in this country and we are no allowed to tap the huge reserves that are in Alaska, as gas prices spiral to $4.00 or more a gallon President Obama has decide to do something and start getting oil exploration started again. Only problem it’s not here in the United States.

Obama wants to develop Brazilian offshore oil to help the Brazilian economy create jobs for Brazilian workers while Americans are left unemployed. What makes this even stranger is that President Obama wants to increase our dependency on foreign oil.

“We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers.”

North Dakota and Montana have an estimated 3 to 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil in an area known as the Bakken Formation. We import about 160,000,000 barrels of oil each year from Saudi Arabia and now the President wants to spend more American dollars buying oil from Brazil!

We have more oil inside our borders than all the other proven reserves on Earth, and that it could be extracted at an approximate cost to Americans of only $16 a barrel. But this president refuses to put Americans to work and refuses to make this country energy self sufficient

Such Leadership

Well we all saw the speech and I guess the best way to describe it….well let’s use a quote from one of his media lapdogs.

Keith Olbermann: “It was a great speech if you were on another planet for the last 57 days. Nothing specific at all was said. I don’t think he aimed low, I don’t think he aimed at all. It’s startling.”

While BP MUST be held accountable for every penny of this disaster, we need leadership in Washington who is capable to handle this situation and it becomes obvious each and every day that this President is overwhelmed.

The best solution is the feds need to step aside, the environmentalist need to step aside and allow the governors and local government officials do what they need to do to protect their states from this invasion.

Think Please

All this would do is raise the cost of oil which would raise the price at the pump and they still would not have any answers.

Seizing on a disastrous oil spill to advance a cause, President Barack Obama on Wednesday called on Congress to roll back billions of dollars in tax breaks for oil and pass a clean-energy bill.

Go ahead develope alternative but until you do why in the same hell would you want to punish the American people? What is he going to do require everyone to convert their cars to solar? Are we going to run on water? Does this man EVER think before he starts reading from the teleprompter? There are plenty of ways to increase our oil supply without more deep water drilling but these yo-yos won’t do that, no, they will just have the price of a barrel of oil go through the roof with no plan in place……amazing.

It’s About The Oil

Well the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has given the No DRILL crowd a new life. They are yelling and screaming for alternative energy, demanding an end to oil dependency once again. The problem is we don’t have adequate alternate energy sources already in place because they don’t exist.

Not even “on paper”.

Toys run on alternate energy, but economies run on oil and there is no alternative, or combination thereof, that can replace even 25% of the oil we need every day to run our economy.

So what’s the answer? Shrink the economy? That’s what Bush did and none of us seemed to like that. Build more Nukes? I’m all for it, but you know that the green energy people won’t agree. Poor sunz-a-bitches, it’s hard to think clearly when your brain isn’t getting adequate oxygen. And it’s hard to get adequate oxygen when you can’t breathe deeply. And you can’t breathe deeply with your head stuck up you’re a**!

So all you need to do is find another fuel that 7 pounds of will move 80,000 pounds of truck and cargo, 6 miles down the road in 6 minutes?

1 barrel of light crude = 42 gallons = 5.8 million BTU = 11.15(+/-) Years of Human Work Output. There is no green alternative that even comes close. Even Iceland can’t run their economy on hydrogen and they produce it for damn near nothing. Nuclear fusion might still hold possibilities, but after 90 years of research, we aren’t there yet.

So while the greenies keep yelling alternative energy America must continue to expand drilling, offshore, Alaska, Colorado even North Dakota.

This country depends on coal and oil and it is not going to change because of one accident in the Gulf.